News / Events

We are glad to present a personal exposition of Evgeniya Martyniuk called ~The Voices of Life~. Feelings, hints, signs, choices and directions that make the life have become the inspiration for this expo.
We are open during the expo:
03.08.22- 1.10.22,
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday 15.30-19.30
It is also possible to make an appointment for a different day or time. Feel free to contact us for more info:
Laarsebaan 78, 2170 Antwerp

The Gallery is happy to announce a new exposition called 'Balance", where the works of Anita Familje and Evgeniya Martyniuk are going to be displayed. It is going to take place at our gallery, address: Laarsebaan 78, 2170 Merksem, Antwerp, from 12.11 till 4.12. You are also welcome at the opening of the exposition on 12.11 from 17.00 till 20.00 and enjoy the company of our artists as well as some bubbles and snacks.
The opening hours:
12.11: the opening of the expo 17.00 - 20.00
13.11 and 14.11: 10.00 - 17.00
15.11-3.12 (except weekends): 8.30 - 15.00
4.12: final expo day 10.00 - 17.00
In case of you would like to visit us at another hour or day, feel free to make and appointment with Evgeniya.
Contacts: phone:+32 471 20 45 60 or e-mail:
De Galerij 'Visionary Wave Art' is blij om een nieuwe expositie 'EVENWICHT' te presenteren. Kom van 12.11 tot 4.12 op het adress: Laarsebaan 78, 2170, om van de prachtige werken van Anita Familje en Evgeniya Martyniuk te genieten. De vernissage is op 12.11 van 17u00 tot 20u00 voorzien.
We zijn open:
12.11: vernissage 17.00 - 20.00
13.11 en 14.11: 10.00 - 17.00
15.11-3.12 (uitsluitend weekend): 8.30 - 15.00
4.12: sluiting de expo: 10.00 - 17.00
Heeft u vragen of zou u graag een afspraak voor een andere uur of dag maken? Contacteer Evgeniya: phone:+32 471 20 45 60 of e-mail:

Gallery Opening